Southwest Oklahoma Ghost Chasers

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Investigation Feb.5,2005
Investigation Feb.18,2006
Investigation July 15 2006
Inveatigation Aug. 5,2006
Investigation Aug.19,2006
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Investigation Feb.5,2005

Private Home

The house has a history of strange sounds, things being moved from where they were put as well as other events. The family that bought the home and contacted us for an investigation, within six months, said that one of the children refused to sleep in her room because of the "man" , the other child started having nightmares soon after moving in. There were reports of footsteps like a large man walking in the hall as well as other things. The storage room became a point of interest during the investigation. EMF meters went off when there was nothing that could have set them off. EMF's were picked up in this room and no where else in the home. A follow up investigation was done, and EMF meters were once again used, with them going off with nothing to set them off. During the interviews the family had not told us of this room, when SWOGC arrived at the home Kaethe stated there was another room, and walked back to it. The family stated they did not like the room and avoided the room as much as possible. Kaethe and Tracy had a strong feeling of uneasiness in this room. They stated there was a real strong energy in the room. On the second investigation I went into the room, batteries went dead and my digital voice recorder would not work.


Seems Kaethe has a friend, she said she felt as there was a little boy holding on to her, and this picture was taking as soon as she said it. This picture was taking in the dinning room


Don was making friends too, he felt as there was someone standing close to him,so someone took the picture. This picture was taking in the dinning room.


This was taken in the storage room where there was alot of activity. Most all the pictures from this room came out with the blackness around them, the pictures from other parts of the house other then two, did not have this darkness in them.


This picture was taking in one of the rooms where the "man" was reported to have been seen by one of the children.